b.The HASH walk/run is not an association but an informal activity group , which is why there is no Group Insurance covering any accident risk . It is up to everyone to take part in the walk/run at one’s own risk . It is not recommended to persons with severe health problems ( such as cardiac deficiency , asthma …) unless they are trained enough to walk a 10 to 12 kms distance .
c.During the walk , stay together in order to avoid getting lost , and please watch your kids . A smart “hasher” is expected to shout “On, on …” from time to time to make everyone stay in touch all along the line .
d.Each “hasher” should organize a circuit once and again . The best ones are to be rewarded by an offering during the H-Ball . A check-form “How to organize a HHH “ is available upon request from the “Hmasters” who will be glad to assist the new volunteers .
e.The ceremony is a worldwide HASH tradition . It has to be observed and everyone is due to be present , either as a “criminal” or as a supporter.
f.Drinks are provided for each participant ( two at the beer-stop , two upon arrival ). Whenever it is possible , the meals following an organized HHH will be served in small individual plates . No need to rush , everyone will get one. Gannets and hogs : please wait until everyone is served before you reach for a second serving .
g. Respect nature and environment , and do not behave like a “piece of crap” by dumping empty bottles or plastic bags .At each stop , a rubbish-bin is provided .
h. A true solidarity spirit has to be displayed by each and everyone . Come to help to anyone in distress and do not ever leave anyone stranded behind .
i.There is no room for any kind of publicity , except for the sponsors who support the activity .
j. Please arrive on time in order to avoid any hustle upon registration , and to allow a safe way back home before dusk .